
Cheryl Crow uses 1 sheet of toilet paper per bathroom visit. Is she doing her part?

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Cheryl Crow uses 1 sheet of toilet paper per bathroom visit. Is she doing her part?




  1. I will believe that when I see her contract requirements when she is performing.

    Performers often have very specific contract requirements that are so detailed they even specify the type and amount of toilet paper to be in their dressing rooms.

    I would like to see a copy of that contract.

    Where is The National Enquirer when you need them.

  2. She might use one sheet of paper, but I am sure she washes her a.. in her bidet before she goes anywhere.

  3. Talk about stinky finger. wow !!!

  4. If this is true, she may be doing her part, but her personal hygiene could use some work.

  5. Oh, I'll just bet she does that. I think it was more of an idea for you and me to do that than her. All those left-wing Liberals have two for them and one for the rest of us. Do you honestly think that any Kennedy or Gore or Clinton is going to quit using their private jets, SUVs, or move to smaller mansion? I don't think so. They just want to be sure there is plenty of energy for them so it means we have to all cut back. They want us to suffer under a ceiling fan while they enjoy air conditioning.

  6. That was a joke.

  7. I often wonder if the Asian countries have it right with the hose next to toilet for washing your backsides.  What is worst though toilet paper or wasting water resources.

    Also is Crow using 1 ply or 3 ply as surely she has stinky fingers!!

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