
Chess, tips?

by  |  earlier

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favourite games?

favourite moves?

any tips for a beginer/intermediate player?

what do you try o achieve in the opening? (except the obvious, mobilising,defending the king a controling the centre.)




  1. If you're serious about learning chess, find a chess teacher in your area. It's hard to give tips that would help without knowing you, your experience, etc.

    To actually answer your question, I like the Petrov's Defence (kinda boring). I also like Michael Adams games (my style... although also kinda boring).

  2. Find a regular opponent to play.

    Get a book of chess quizzes.  You can get them in any bookstore or library.  They show a position and you have to mate in 2, mate in 3, or white wins.

    Favorite game?  -- Paul Morphy vs. the Duke of Brunswick and Count Isouard.

    Favorite move -- the smothered mate.

  3. practice practice practice

  4. always keep your king surrounded by your own ppl diagnolly horzontilly (unless at the very bottom of the board you wont need gaurding under it) vertically so that if something knocks something right by it you can knock it back out

    never use your queen unless there's no other choice

    always try to get your pawns on the other end of the board (opponents side)  so you can get a wanted peice someone else took back

    keep them from getting on your side of the board

  5. Take and hold the center.

    Knight on rim is grim.  Castle early.  

    Make better moves than your opponent.:)

  6. every move should be aggressive even in retreat you need to keep your opponent in defense mode
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