
Chess Countering...?

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I have a huge tournament today and I wanted to find out different counter-openings against my opponents. If my opponent plays these, what Counter variations should i use?

1. Ruy Lopez

2. Italian

3. Vienna

4. Queen's Gambit

5. English

or if they are black,

1. Sicilian (Dragon or Najdorf)

2. French

3. Caro-Kann




  1. Play only matrix chess and look up master bernard parham on google.Playing chess by math.

  2. Play the French defense if you are black.

    Look at the opening, and you will find variation for whatever opening white uses.

    When white, open with your queen pawn, and it stops the sicilian, and will make most opening eventually fall into a variation of the french defense, so if you know it well, you can work through it in most cases.

  3. Four Knights,French,French,Slav,c5, then 2 knights,Yugoslav,Advance your e pawn,move knights out.
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