
Chess Opening - Name?

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What the name of the opening:


e4 d5

e4xd5 Nf6





  1. Please go to my link below?

    Yours sincerely,

    Ches Mayne.

  2. B01: Scandinavian

    However Qf3 is virtually never played and rather lousy, it blocks the white Knight and wastes and important move in the opening for a virtually pointless move.

    The main line after Nf6 would be 3. d4 Nxd5   4. Nf3 g6  after which white has a choice of Be2 c4 or Bc4

  3. This is NOT the queen's gambit.

    1. e4 d5

    is the Scandinavian defense.

    After 2. exd5 black often plays Qxd5 but Nf6 can lead to various sidelines and gambits as well as transpositions in to other openings. However, Qf3 is not a main move in this position and as far as I know has no name. It is also a rather weak move, as it blocks white's knight from coming to f3 (its most active square) and exposes the queen to early attack. In general, it is best to develop the minor pieces before the queen.

  4. Just from looking at it without reference it looks like Queen's Gambit.
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