
Chess book?

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In December, I learned how to play chess and I play it on a regular basis; and I'm not that bad. I would like to purchase a book(s) that will help me play better. No aspect of play in particular, just overall ability.

Can you please name one (or a few) books that are good and maybe provide some evidence as to why they are good, like if a lot of people bought the book or at has won awards.




  1. Possibly the best way for you to find out the best books for you is to go to a large book store and browse through the chess books they have.  From those, choose ones that would work for you.  Different books will work for different people.  Best of luck with it.

  2. Another book to have now and forever is called Reassess Your Chess.  It breaks the game down into seven imbalances and how to use them to your advantage.  I'm still working through it but it helps tremendously and it's easy to use.

  3. there is a really good book about chess in the library called "all to know about chess"

  4. My System by Aron Nimzowitch.

    Why is this book good?

    It's because according to several articles which you can look up yourself, most GMs have gone through this book at least in one point of their lives.
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