
Chess pieces, if McCain is a pawn, what are the rest?

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Using chess pieces as the Republican party and McCain is one pawn, name at least one of the other 7 pawns or all pieces, the King, Queen, rook, bishop and/or knight. Each piece could be a corporation or group. Answers should be self explanatory but not necessary.




  1. The only pawns I know of will be the American people if Barack Obama gets elected!  Go McCain 2008!

  2. Oil is still  king, Budweiser is a rook. James Dobson and other agents of intolerance are bishops, and closeted g*y Republicans such as Lindsay Graham are the queens.

  3. Illuminati. They're HIDDEN, ********.

  4. Hussein is a checker.

  5. I thought McCain was a prawn!!!

  6. If McCain's a pawn then he's on the seventh row.

    About to get promoted.

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