
Chess players...?

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ok...I know how to set up and use all the pieces. My question is about the placement of the king and queen, though. I used to think that the queens were opposite of eachother and the kings the same. But when I look at how they are set up in the instructions (of 2 different games), the kings are opposite the queens. Anyone really know? I showed my family and they all think the picture is just wrong.




  1. ok

    white start on rows 1 and 2. thats what it is.

    row/rank 1.

    they should be labeled. try setting up the peices on the other side, thatll work.

  2. Have both the queens on the same line as the other queen, same with the king. Always make the king be on the opposite color. For example: if you where setting up white, you'd put it on the black piece of the board.

  3. The king and queen are the centermost two figures on the back row, and the queen sits on the square of her color, and the king sits on the other square, so, the white queen sits on the white square of the two, and the dark queen sits on the dark square of her two.  God Bless you.

  4. Queen goes to the right of the king always

  5. if u r black then ur king shuld be on white squares and if u r white then ur king will be on black squares plz selcet it as best answer

  6. Ok,a light colored square goes on each players right.and on queen placement,whites quenn is to the left of the king,and blacks queen is on the right.If you have it set up correctly,then each queen's "dress matches the shoes."

  7. ya really  that picture was wrong.

  8. Hello,

              You may like to visit my personal web page:   This is the largest online chess dictionary in the world.  You can PRINT out any orthodox chess set & board in the world for free!  Each chess piece [KI, QU, RO, BS, KT and PA] is explained in detail.  You will definitely find the answer you are looking for on my web page.  I hope this is helpful for you?



  9. To who said that the Queen goes on the right of the King, that is NOT true. The Queen goes to the left of the King. You can also tell that the Queen always gets to start on her color. So the black Queen starts on the black square in the back row in the middle. The white queen is on the opposite side of the board facing the black Queen on the D rank.

  10. the queeen sits on the place of her color.the king sits on his opposite white queen sits on white space.white king sits on black square.

  11. For sure...the picture is wrong and you remembered correctly.  The rule is "Queen on her color" which leaves them facing each-other from across the board.
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