
Chess position?

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I was playing a game of chess with a computer and the move history is as follows

1. e4 e6

2. Nc3 d5

3. f3 Nc6

4. Bb5 Bb4

5. Nge2 h6

6. Nf4 Qe7

7. O-O Bd7

8. e x d5 B x Nc3

I would like to evaluate this position and see what you think.

and also, is there a website where a computer will analyze any chess position and tell you about it?




  1. Not sure if you were playing white or black...

    White had no need to play 3.f3 and open up his his King just to protect the pawn, that's what his knight was there for.

    4..Bb4  By black: ....could have moved out the other knight instead, and  by doing so developed a knight first(a good rule of thumb), also  putting another attack on that white e4 pawn - applying more pressure to white...

    5..h6 by black: doesn't seem to do anything, its just there with an extra pawn move at the expense of piece development

    6..Qe7 by black: mayby down the road the queen had something to do there, but black would have been better off developing the knight(then ready to castle) or moving the white bishop to block the pin on the knight.... (done on the next move 7...Bd7)

    8..BxNc3 by black: the move I would have least recommended! The middle of the board was open (not ever going to be blocked with pawns) that bishop was going to get far more powerful as the game progressed why trade it for the enemies horse just sitting there? Knights are great at getting around pawns, but by end game the bishop far surpasses a horse in most situations.

    In summary- I would much rather be sitting at this table as white. But the game is still in its early stage, and no major advantage is clear here, but things can change quickly! In short , it looks as if white has played wiser.

    Gameknot is a wonderful chess website. Free , but much better with subscription. It has game databases with all kinds of info. Here is the web address:

  2. The opening is known as the French Defense 2. ...d5 study this opening to understand the theme.

    Whites 3.f3 is Blackmar-Diemier gambit (one of my favorites) if 3. ...dxe4 then 4.fxe4 opening the "f" file for the rook after white castles(very dangerous).

    My guess is white is the computer(5. ...h6) and you have it on a setting for the computer to play wild.

    5. ...h6 is a worthless move & does nothing(better 5. ...Nge7 preparing 0-0)

    6.Nf4 white goes for a free pawn on d5

    6. ...Qe7 another bad move(6. ...dxe4 or a6 chasing the Bishop)

    7.0-0 white castles and Black is in trouble; after the exchanges White threaten various things the most obvious is

    9.dxc3 exd5

    10.Re1 !! spells trouble. My guess is Black got stomped.

  3. You played f3 and lived?!!:) The g1-h7 diagonal will be a headache forever.

  4. A rather dynamic starting position.  White's best capture gives black an inferior pawn structure and badly placed peices.

      9.dc    Bd4+

    10.Kh1 bc


    It seems white is better developed, with fewer pawn islands.  Black will need to improve the king's and the bishop's position, and eventually try to exchange those weak pawns.

    c3, followed by d4, Re1, Qe2, and the pawn break d5 gives white the initiative and the better position.

    A search for 'free chess engines'  revealed this site:

    Fortunately there is good software available to buy; Chessmaster and Fritz do the job nicely.

  5. This position is relatively better for white. My Fritz 8 engine gives it the score +=(0.49) which means white is slightly better(about 0.49 of a pawn value)


    the move

    3.f3 ?!

    is probably not a very strong move. It weakens the king side. Although it also takes the computer out of it's opening book.

    4. ... Bb4

    Is not the strongest move.  4. ... d4 or Qg5 seem to be better.

    5. ... h6??  a bad move! It just loses black a tempo and does nothing else. Black still should have played d4 or Nge7

    This is not a kind of move you'd expect from a strong computer.


    Here's the value Fritz 8 has given to each position after a few minutes of calculating. Ofcourse these numbers aren't accurate and are open to interpretation. (positive means white is better, negative means black is better)


    1. e4 e6

    2. Nc3 d5

    3. f3       (-0.53)    Nc6    (-0.32)

    4. Bb5   (-0.32)    Bb4    (-0.01)

    5. Nge2 (-0.14)    h6?     (+0.28)

    6. Nf4    (-0.16)    Qe7?!  (+0.65)

    7. O-O   (= 0.06)  Bd7?!  (+0.56)

    8. exd5 (+0.49)    BxNc3(+0.49)


    Since it's still the very beginning of the game the best assessment of the position would be to say that both side are still equal and have chances of improvment, though white has a little more control.
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