
Chess question regarding queening...?

by  |  earlier

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after my pawn moves to the other end of the board and i swap to my queen, is it my immediate move afterward, or does my opponent go next?




  1. Queening a pawn is considered to be an official move. You cannot legally move again until after your opponent's next move.

  2. Well your opponent will move first unless when you checkmate them. Well yes they do move after your pawn has advanced or else they would get owned easily i hope i helped you find out what you wanted to know. Note: I am an experienced player so i know.....

  3. the oppenent still makes there turn make sure there no rook or queen that can take it right after you swap the pawn for the queen

  4. Your opponent still gets to make their turn.

  5. your opponent goes next. The rules say once a pawn reaches the other other end it is exchanged for any piece that you want but not another king or pawn. After the exchange then it is your opponent's turn to make a move. It is wise to queen a pawn when your opponents next move won't capture the queen.

    have a great game

  6. it is a immediate move and all of those ppl r wrong who says that it is not an immediate move.

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