Chess terms that begin with an E
According to Reuben Fine, chess involves the following :“Combinations have always been the most intriguing aspect of Chess. The masters look for them, the public applauds them and the critics praise them. It is because combinations are possible that Chess
is more than a lifeless mathematical exercise. They are the poetry of the game; they are to Chess what melody is to music. They represent the triumph of mind over matter”
But how do you understand what combinations to make, and when to make a particular move?
That can only be done through practice and a thorough understanding of chess. This understanding might be developed if one studies the vast amounts of literature that is available to us. However, there is a catch to it. All such texts contain several complicated
terms that further confuse a person. However there is no need to panic. We will be explaining the most commonly used chess terms in such a way that it will be easy to understand and retain them. In this article, we will be dealing with words that begin with
an E.
The very basic E term that everyone should know about is an Endgame. As the name suggests, the endgame is that phase of chess which comes towards the end. There are few pieces left on the chess board at this stage of the game and both players go into attack
Another basic term is an Escape square. Clearly, it is the square on which a piece can move in order to escape an expected or current attack by the opponent. Another easy E is an Exchange. This happens when both players make an exchange by capturing each
other’s pieces. This is usually done to lessen the crowd at the chess board so that the game becomes less complicated. An improvisation of the term is an Exchange variation. This happens in the opening game, when both players voluntarily give up pieces or
There is some French involved in the chess E's as well. So if you have ever taken a French course, this would be a piece of cake for you. The most commonly used French term is En passant. This is a special capture done by a pawn, in which the piece being
captured can also be only a pawn. This happens when a pawn moves two squares ahead on its first turn. If there is an opponent pawn standing on the same rank and adjacent file, it can capture the pawn that has just moved two squares. However, such a move is
only allowed immediately after the pawn has moved two squares. Another French term is the En prise. This term is used to identify a piece that is isolated by the defence and therefore, is prone to attack. Such a position makes it vulnerable to be captured.
Talking about interesting terms, another one is Epaulette mate. This is a sad situation for the king because he is in a checkmate position, and is being blocked by his own rooks on both sides, making it impossible for him to move anywhere safe. Letting
go of the fancy E's, here is a simple E term for you. This one is called the Expanded center. This is the term used to describe the central 16 squares that play an integral role in giving a player a strong centralised position. A player with a strong center
more often than not emerges with an advantage towards the end of the game.
This is all for the E's. That wasn’t difficult was it? Now go on ahead and practice these terms in a conversation with a friend.