I just have a question. Im 21 years old girl in pretty good shape. I work out just about everyday and try to eat healthy. I do drink coffee but no fast food, etc. For the past week i have had a problem. I get these sharp shooting pains that occur only on the left side of my chest. It hurts when i breathe in. It also hurts if i move forward or to the left side, especially when i breathe while doing so. When i was 4 years old i had a heart operation. But since then i have never had any problems. This pain feels like shooting pain and i also get short of breath in the morning and at night. Just today i also have noticed this annoying feeling in my throat. It feels like there is something stuck in my throat or a lump in there when i swallow. I have not taken any pills and it doesnt hurt, its just discomfort. The past few weeks have been stressful for me. My grandpa had been battling cancer and we were taking care of him at home which was very hard, he just died yesterday. My friend told me that this could just be from stress. But i find it strange that the sharp shooting pains only occur on my left side of chest. I havent been to a doctor yet because i have not had time to do so. If anyone has any suggestions of what any of this could be it would be greatly appriciated. Thanks in advance