what heart problem is that? Myocardiac Infraction, Left sided heart Failure or stress?
I am a 20 y/o college student, a while ago as I was rushing towards my classroom to take the semi-finals as I was sitting down, I started to feel a toleratable amount of pain in my left chest, then my left arm kinda suddenly got tired... and there was also a toleratable vague amount of pain in my left middle finger.
I tried to sit errect bec I thought I was just tired from running and just needed to breath air. I just put pressure on the left side of my chest with my index and middle finger.
It's midnight... I don't wanna disturb my parents about this, they are already going thru lots of financial problems.
So Is this M.I. or just stress???
someone said stress can mimic M.I., and i am a very worrisome person... I just need an idea.