
Chest Pains - near heart - help?

by Guest33263  |  earlier

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I'm only 14 (almost 15) and I went to the doctor a few weeks ago.

She said I was good and healthy but lately (as of this last week) I've just been sitting at my computer and then I'll have this sharp little pain in the left / center of my chest (right near my heart). The pain isn't serious, it only lasts for a second then goes away... and I usually only have 4 - 7 of them every few days or sometimes every few weeks.

I am a teeny tiny bit overweight but other than that I'm perfectly healthy - I eat right (the most of the time) and exercise (4 to 5 times a week).

Could this be anything serious? I really don't want to go back to the doctor so if anyone could give me some of information that would be great.

P.S. I'm a bit of a hypocondriac (is that how you spell it? >.<)

Sorry if anything isn't grammatically correct..

Thanks! :)




  1. Press your sternum on the left (where it hurts) where the rib meets the sternum and see if it hurts, if it doesnt move slightly further out to see if it hurts anymore. If so, its something called costocondritus (I have it, and its bloody annoying, and can be horrible sometimes if i breathe in deep). Its where the rib cartilage becomes inflamed, and is 99% of the time the cause of teenage chest pain. I&#039;m almost 21 and ive still got it :-/

    That can be caused by dehydration, or something called orthostatic hypotension (Basically, feeling lightheaded when standing up, or some people black out, nothing to worry about !!!!! ). Other causes can range from simply standing up too quick, being overheated and a few other things. But nothing serious.

    Self admitted hypocondriac here as well ;)

  2. Hi,

    I&#039;m 16 and a healthy weight, and sometimes I get the exact same thing!  I don&#039;t get heartburn, but I do get chest pains every so often, and it really freaks me out. For me it not only happens on my heart side, but the other side, too.  I haven&#039;t gone to the doctor for it, but I deduced it to me just not breathing right.. Especially in getting dizzy and light-headed when I stand up.  Sometimes I try to sit up straight when I&#039;m sitting down, and I also try to eat less sugar and take in less caffeine (because I have kind of a sensitivity, and whenever I drink a lot of coffee I get thchestt pains).  But, then again I&#039;m not sure if it could be something else either, because like I said I haven&#039;t gone to the doctor.

    I hope this helped, and maybe try the things I listed..


  3. I would go to the hospital asap!

    try taking tyelnol or asprin and drink alot of water.. that might help! but i would go to the doctors...

    Just to make sure.. there could be something really wrong with you!

    Thats not normal to feel dizzy and have heartburn!

    Listen to me hun.. go to the hospital...

    good luck hun!

    sara kay

    p.s im a hypocondriact too lol...

    i never wanted to go to school.. so i would always act sick! haha

  4. if you have a large chest it might just be alot of pressure

    and maybe you stand up too fast?

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