
Chest cold and lost my voice. Help!?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up in the middle of last night with an awful chest cold and a sore throat so bad that I have NO voice. I get a couple scratchy sounds out is all. I have a massive headache, and I can feel the pressure all the way down the back of my neck, through my shoulders and down my spine to my lungs. My nose isn't running too badly right now, but it's stuffed up, and I have a little bit of a deep, wet cough that is starting to come more and more often. It's painful, but nothing's coming up.

I'm currently on a multi-vitamin and a vitamin C supplement. Is there anything else I can do to feel better now, and also to get better faster? Thanks!




  1. Please get to a doctor ASAP. Sounds  like your cold

    has become worse and you could have either pneumonia

    or bronchitis. This will require medical help. As for your

    sore, scratchy throat take aspirin and apply an ice pack

    to your throat for about 15 minutes and then off for 15 minutes. I know this sounds weird but it works. Place a towel over your throat first. Your sinus are draining and this

    has inflamed your throat. Also, gargle with luke warm salt

    water. This will help as well. Time will give you your voice back.  Hope this helps.

  2. go to the doctor and they will help and also try not to talk for at least 2 days.

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