
Chest pain and rapid heat beats?

by  |  earlier

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hi there im 17 yers old i woke up one morning and i had a sharp heart pain and thru that i had chest pain and disinees.

i went a saw a cardiologist they done all the test possible and they couldednt find nothing wrong i asked them wot it could be they said they are not sure, each time i try 2 exercise my herst goes ma racing and pumpinng blood i reakon its evry hi, before i used 2 be a extreamly healthy person but knw i dont knw wat 2 do should i wate it out or should i go and see a cardiologist again?????




  1. It would be impossible to even begin giving you advice without knowing some basics. What is your height/weight, blood pressure, normal physical activity, etc.? Lots of different things cause chest pain, including a pulled muscle.

    In general, when you exercise, your heart *should* race and your blood *should* pump hard. You *should* get flushed and tired. You might even experience a bit of chest pain and shortness of breath as you begin an exercise regimen, as your body learns to absorb and deliver oxygen more efficiently.

    Certainly, speak to your cardiologist all you want. That's what they are there for.

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