
Chest pains in pregnancy?

by Guest67095  |  earlier

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I'm 18 weeks pregnant now and I'm having really bad chest pains . feels like my chest is being squashed . is this normal or is this something to worry about ?




  1. if it's feel like a chest cramp near the upper part/towards the's gas. try a gas reliever it will help a lot!

  2. Any chest pain is something to worry about.  Get to a doctor!  Now!

  3. You need to go to your doctor, I was having chest pains and had to go to a cardiologist but I'm still waiting on the results

  4. Most likely heartburn.  However, best to have a doctor check you out!

  5. No, I don't believe that is normal at all.  Are you sure you aren't confusing it with heartburn?  If it truly is chest pains, then you need to go to call your doctor - their office should have an emergency number to call or a way to page the doctor on call.  If it is causing you to have trouble breathing, get to the ER right away.

  6. Double check with your doctor. It could be heartburn but than again it could be something more serious.

  7. its heartburn, i heard it was normal

  8. If you're having trouble breathing along with the pain, call 911.  Try raising your hands over your head, if you can't do it, also call 911.

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