
Chest workout advice needed?

by  |  earlier

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My left pectoral is noticably larger than my right (not a huge difference, but still noticable to me). I am very particular about my form when working out, and even friends cant really spot a difference in my arm motion while I am working out.

But after a chest workout, I can feel my left pectoral has been worked more. Does anybody have any advice on how to correct this? Is it because my right shoulder is stronger than my left? Would adding slightly more weight to the right side help?





  1. well i guess that u could do all the workouts on ur rite arm........idk mayb do push ups wit only ur rite arm...i hope this helps.

  2. well all i can say is either switch all barbell exercises into dumbbell ones or stop working the left side of your chest for a week and just do one armed dumbbell exercises.

  3. If you are straight benching with a bar, then try tilting the bar to the right a little, whats happening is if your left if stronger, your body will make it do more work, tilting it slightly will correct it.

    If you are doing it with dumbells, your form must be wrong.

  4. Intresting instead of adding more weight to one side try sticking to barbell more on your chest stay away from dumbells for a while and see if it helps. you cant really mess up form on barbell and if u do u can catch it much easier then doing a db exercise. and for the shoulder difference i recommend doing an extra set of front laterals and side laterals with a dumbell on ur left shoulder for 2-3 weeks. check on progress and it should help most likely

    happy lifting

  5. Contrary to the general perception of the lot of us, we are not perfectly symmetrical.  Some bodies are different than others in a subtle light and some very substantially.  I, for one, have a very lean-looking left arm while my right arm seems less fit, but my right arm is stronger.  Maybe, unconsciously, you use your right side more often since you are right handed (are you right handed?), therefore the muscle in your right side is more lean, making it look slightly smaller.

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