
Chewing toys for hamster?

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my hamsters teeth arent long i just want to buy some toys and supplies for their cage(2 male syrian) i have wheels,ball,tubes,salt l****r thing or what ever its called, a little house to sleep in,bowls(they play it it and comb their hair),two floors/levels in the cage, maze(its for mice but they like it),two peice of wood,bottle...

things they don play with: wheel,ball(they pee in it),wood,tube(once in a week)

i have a pear and apple tree in my back yard im thinking of getting some wood from their for my hammies

what else are there to put in the cage.




  1. get another cage and separtate them they will start fighting real soon.

  2. You shouldn't have two Syrian Hamster in one cage. They are very territorial and will start to fight. Anyways, back to the chewing toys. I put toilet paper rolls (without the paper of course!) in my cage. Not only does my hamster chew and it is safe, but he also likes to crawl in it like it's a tunnel!

  3. You guys all sed the same thing, to separate them, SHE HAS 2 CAGES!!!!! Shes not retarded. Don't listen to them!!! Anyway, you have a lot of stuff for them, so theres not much else to get them, but to keep them busy, take them out side like 10 minutes a day. I take my hamster Sam (he is a boy too, lol) out all the time and he LOVES it!!!! It keeps him busy, and he gets to explore and have fun. Or you should buy them a little toy that is shaped like a strawberry. It sounds weird, but it is a little toy that is a giant strawberry and it has a hole in it and they can go inside and sleep in it. My hamster loves it, he sleeps in it every night. GoOd LuCk

    P.S. I'm 13 going in to 8th grade, just about your age. BYE!!!!

  4. try finished toliet paper rolls. they love to crawl through them and chew them up. my gerbils will make them disappear within a 1/2 hour if they really want to chew. they love those things!

  5. chewy things

  6. wow, I would get those two animals away from each other. They WILL fight when they get older. I had that happen to me years and years ago when I was a little girl. They will eventually use the wheel - don't take it out they need it for exercise. Make sure it's big enough though most store bought cages some with wheels too small for syrians. You're gonna need around an 8" wheel. My syrian won't eat wood chews either, but I bought a treat at the pet store which was held together with honey. It was like regular food, but it was in a rectangle block. My hammie loved it and since it was harder, it helped keep his teeth the right size.

  7. wow you have two syrian, did you know that, that breed of hamsters are not suppost to be around any other ones after 10 weeks of age and on top of that 2 boys you better hope they dont kill each other from being teritorial! good luck and you got the toys covered pretty well!

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