Dear experienced practioners of intense internal arts, proficient in Chi manipulation, I need your help.
I am not asking for a killing pressure point, or how to hurt someone, but a simple healing point I can press to relieve this awfullness.
Let me explain, I normally adhere to a pretty strict diet, however I am on a break from said diet. Just 10 minutes ago, in what I can only describe as truly bad judgement, I had a large cupful of banana pudding, it was delicious. However, I made a poor choice by then following up the banana pudding, with a bag of M&Ms.
I need to know what pressure point, meditation technique, or internal technique I can use to get rid of this OD on sugar I have just caused myself.
Aside from worrying about the diabetic coma, there is also this crazy uncomfortable sweetness in the back of my throat... I need your help on relieving this abdominal pressure, and horrendous sickness my poor lack of judgement has put upon me...
Arigatou, Namaste, As Salaam alaikum, Zenu be with you, Xièxie