
Chicago Cubs’ Ian Stewart to undergo surgery – MLB News

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Chicago Cubs’ Ian Stewart to undergo surgery – MLB News
The Chicago Cubs on Monday, July 2, revealed that their third baseman Ian Stewart may undergo surgery in a week or 10 days. The revelation came after the third baseman showed some signs of slowing down in recent weeks.
It was soreness in his wrist that led to the team’s decision to give him some rest followed by a visit to specialist Dr. Thomas Graham on June 18. The player was said to have received a cortisone shot, but that did not bring the kind of relief Stewart was anticipating.
But with the news of surgery that became public on Monday, the third baseman said he felt relief to know that the problem has been diagnosed.
"In a way, it's a good thing," Stewart said while talking to press. "It's a relief that something did show up."
It is arthroscopic surgery with which the procedure will begin. To be carried out in two phases, the procedure was necessitated due to the past history of the problem Stewart had faced. He had, in the past, ended up fracturing a bone in his wrist which needed to be removed.
Afterwards what turned out was that the doctor determined there was another small bone in contact with a larger one. With a  lot of complications involved in the surgery, Graham will certainly take his time to remove the bone.
His return to the team, whenever that be, will augur well for the Cubs.
"He's got all the ability to do it," Cubs' manager Dale Sveum said Monday. "I'd like to see some adjustment in the swing and stuff. Whether [the problem] was the hand or not, I think there still needs to be some adjustment. The defense is something you always want and the power and athleticism he brings. There just aren't that many around any more at third base who have those kind of attributes."
But as it seems for now, Stewart is not likely to be back in the team this season owing to the surgery. The team has brought Luis Valbuena to replace Stewart who is expected to be a good substitute.



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