
Chicago Cubs should learn from the Marlins!?

by Guest59575  |  earlier

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You don't need a big payroll to win a World Series! Marlins just keep hitting home runs and outstanding defense!




  1. What's your point?  Yankees and Red Sox have a higher payroll then the Cubs, tell them.  Home runs aren't the best stat to have offensively you know.  Look at the team stats, I think you'll be plesantly surprised to see the Cubs are beating the Marlins in just about every offensive category.  Don't get too excited over a 4 game series that you still haven't even won yet.  If the Cubs win today it's only a split.  Even if they don't win today, the Cubs, with their higher payroll are the better team.

  2. I TOTALLY AGREE the cubs think since they had a long winning streak from ALL those home stands they are the best team in baseball more like the WORST team in baseball

  3. Yeah in the short term not in the long run.

  4. ok

    edit: Not insulting the marlins at all, they're a good team, but why the f-ck does nobody go to their home games?

  5. yea

    did u see that home run by uggla wow dat was a bomb

  6. i agree

  7. I think every team should learn from the Marlins. Good scouting and young talented home-grown players may not be the quickest way to win a championship but I think it's the most genuine way to win in a generation of big contracts and blockbuster trades.

  8. in the 7th it looks like the Marlins can learn from the Cubs!

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