
Chicago White Sox lose to Kansas City Royals 1-2 – MLB Recap

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Chicago White Sox lose to Kansas City Royals 1-2 – MLB Recap
The Chicago White Sox lost to Kansas City Royals 1-2 in the third and final game of their three-match regular series encounter on Wednesday, August 8 at U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago.
Royals played together and kept the White Sox under pressure throughout the game.
Going into lead early in the game, the Royals did tremendously well in all areas of play which eventually provided them a decent victory in the end.
Their hitters and pitchers literally outsmarted the White Sox entire roster and earned a deserving victory.
"Since August started, we've been playing pretty good baseball here, We had a horrible July but we've rebounded, turned it around, and we're playing pretty darn good baseball right now." said Royals' manager Ned Yost on his team’s tremendous performance.    
Jeremy Guthrie started for the Royals and showed his dominance on the mound. He pitched eight innings and did not receive any hit or run. He struck-out six batters and maintained his 5.18 ERA with tremendous persistence.
His pitching certainly paved the plat form for the Royals’ win. He looked comfortable on the mound and pitched with enormous energy.
"You're not going to talk to anyone who knows baseball that says he doesn't have good stuff, He's got great stuff. But usually it seems like you're going to get a pitch or two to hit. Tonight we did, but we didn't do anything with them. He didn't make mistakes." said White Sox first baseman Adam Dunn later in the game of the Royals' winning pitcher who proved his valour in great fashion.      
His team-mate and closing pitcher Greg Holland also played well and proved a healthy sign for the Royals’ pitching prowess.
He pitched one inning and allowed one run and two hits. He also gave only one earned run while his ERA remained consistent at 3.35.
On the other hand, the White Sox pitchers especially Jose Quintana proved disastrous for his team.
He pitched seven innings and allowed two crucial decisive runs and five hits along with two earned runs as well. He was hit with two homers as his ERA also rose to 2.78.



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