
Chicago homicide death rate TWICE Iraq or Afghanistan would enforced conscription, be an act of kindness ?

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If concentrated in Chicago, thereby cutting death toll?


Nearly 125 Shot Dead In Chicago Over Summer

Total Is About Double The Death Toll In Iraq or Afghanistan




  1. Is this one of those questions where statistics are taken out of context? Please keep in mind that the population of Chicago is very large, and that most gun deaths are usually criminals killing other criminals in turf wars etc...One might compare the rate of stabbing assaults and deaths in the UK with those in would make about as much sense.

    The US, despite media reports, is a very safe country. Nationally crime has been dropping steadily for decades - Chicago is a very livable city in fact. Detroit and Baltimore are trouble spots...but again, it is usually the criminal element killing each other. The average citizen is in very little danger in Chicago.

  2. Many of the "victims" in such shootings are criminals themselves.  Usually drug addicts, prior felony convictions, and often lack a high school diploma.  The military wouldn't take them.

  3. didn't read your article, not gonna, don't care.

    The problem is the same as it has always been with conscription. It would take everybody, not just those who are needed. We'd lose honest hard working citizens along with all the chaff. We'd lose carpenters, waiters, factory workers, artists, masons, drywallers, cab drivers, etc.... granted we'd also be rid of thieves, burglers, murderers, gangbangers, vandals and rapists but then criminals have always been a small minority of people and you would unjustly punish the majority for the actions of a very few.  

  4. So by your reckoning...If I live in Chicago and my fellow Chicagoans don't get me...ship me abroad and let Al Quaeda have a go?

    You should run for President!

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