
Chichen itza facts?

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may i please have facts about chichen itza please




  1. Hi,

    This  is not for sure, however, at the present time it is believed that Chichen Itza was the center of the Mayan Culture. There are a lot of out laying sites that have only been partially uncovered.

    The best way the experience this site is over-night. Rent a car at the Cancun Airport and take the Toll Road to Chichen Itza there is an exit sign right on the toll road. Spend at least one night at the ruins, the site is very large. The more time you spend the more you will enjoy the experience. The resort is on line at mayanland resort. This place is located right at the ruins and they have their own entrance to the site. If you stay there you don't have to pay the entrance fee and you can beat the bus tours. Plus you can experience the night show that lights up El Castillo and explains the serpent. The ruins are full of structures to see and visit. The Ball Court and the Market Place are great sites. The Mayans and then the Toltec's ruled this area until Western Civilization entered the scene.



    there is good information here.

  3. hola amigo espero que esta informacion te ayude :


    Chichén Itzá, one of the great cities of the Mayan culture, at the

    present time archaeological deposit, to 29 km to the southwest of

    Valladolid (Mexico) in the north of the peninsula of Yucatan. The

    name, that means ' the mouth of the Natural wells of Itzá', derives

    from the tribe itzá that it both occupied the territory and of

    natural wells or natural wells that provided to water to the city and

    around which was centered the religious and cultural life. Chichén

    Itzá was founded at beginnings of the century I SAW d.C. by the

    presence of numerous peregrinations to the great Natural well Sacred,

    where sacrifices were offered to the God of Chac rain, and left

    towards year 670. Reconstructed about three hundred years later, when

    itzaes returned to the region, one became the most important city of

    all the north of Yucatan and the center of the Mayan culture. Around

    the year the 1200 city was conquered by the toltecas, invaders coming

    from the north of Mexico, that promoted their development still more.

    A century before the arrival of the Spaniards was left.

    The main about 3 ruins occupy km2 of surface. The generalized type of

    construction consists of a piramidal platform to which it is promoted

    by ample stairs that lead to vaulted cameras, whose walls are covered

    with reliefs, hieroglyphic inscriptions or paintings of alive colors.

    Each construction is well-known by a name different, as it is the case

    of the Game of Ball, religious game of symbolic character, formed by

    two parallel walls of 83 ms of length and 9 of thickness, in addition

    from another one to 36 m.s From 7 ms of the ground excels in both

    walls a stone ring carved in form of two interlaced serpents. During

    the game, the participants tried to introduce the ball by the ring.

    Another important building is the Castle or temple of Kukulcán, Mayan

    name of the God Quetzalcóatl tolteca-Aztec. The Castle is a great

    temple located on a pyramid that occupies 4,000 m2 of surface and

    reaches a height of 30 ms, with stairs in its four walls that lead to

    the temple located in the top. The House of the Nuns, the Sacred

    Natural well, the Temple of the Soldiers and the Caracol or Circular

    Tower, probably an astronomical observatory, are other remarkable

    buildings. In 1988, the archaeological rest of the old pre-Hispanic

    city were declared cultural Patrimony of the Humanity

    espero que algun dia lo visites
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