
Chicken?? answer?

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Is it ok to eat cold fried chicken, that has already been cooked?




  1. Well of Course as long as it isnt like more than a few days old. Its sometimes better... The next day ..

  2. Of course it's OK, horse racing, big hats, champagne with strawberries and cold chicken! Mint Julep and KFC in the sunshine rocks.

  3. yes it is safe since it's already been cooked.  If it was in the fridge, then you should be fine.

  4. Absolutely!!  Best way to eat it IMO.

    Just remember if it's left out too long it really needs to be reheated to proper temp to be safe to eat.

  5. oh a matter of fact my wife loves it that way.. my dad used to eat it cold also. try it with some hot sauce to give it a kick...

  6. Yes, it's delicious!

    Eat it plain or take the skin off and use it in recipes--chicken salad or stir fry for instance.

  7. yes you can if it's the next day after that throw it out  

  8. yes as long as its already been cooked its safe

  9. I find that cold fried chicken is the best mid-night snack! It's also good to use for a sandwich or to make chicken salad...

  10. it's ok as long as u like to eat cold chicken,why dont u put it in microvawe for 2 minuetes

  11. Absolutely, I love cold chicken.  As long as it's cooked, I eat it all the time.

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