
Chicken Eggs.?

by  |  earlier

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i made a incubator and it has a heating pad at the right tempreture and the humidity is right. Now comes the eggs, which side is meant to be up? The pointy side or the round side or on its side? And when i turn it, do i have to turn it 3 times and which direction? From pointy to round or from side to side?




  1. They are best on their side but the pointy end just a little down, Just turn them completely over but stop turning them on day 18 as this is when the chick is getting into position for the hatch. The round end is where the air sack is and when the chick is ready to pip it will orientate itself to that end. I have a homemade incubator and a proper one but when i was using the homemade one i had eggs hatching up to 6 days late which is a really long time.

  2. As long as the eggs are on their side and turned over at "least" three times a day it does not matter which way they point and the humidity is right you should have no problems.(tip mark one side of egg so you know which side you have turned it on at previous turning)

    It can take up to 28 days for chicken eggs to hatch.
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