
Chicken Pox? Please your answer could save my baby from getting sick.?

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Well i'm seeing an aunt tomorrow. She has had chicken pox years ago & is thus immune.

She has had contact with her graddaughter who has chicken pox last week.

Can she be a carrier to my 6 week old tomorrow. Has it been too long?




  1. im sorry im no help but for your babies well being i would jusr rind your health visiter and see but then again some mite say its prob best she gets them over and dun wid.

  2. No once she's had them she safe for you and the baby she has a protective immunity from this but she can get shingles later like all adults from the pox.This goes for all people who have had this.

  3. Your Auntie's contact with a child who has chickenpox does not put her at risk for transmitting the virus to your baby.  She is immune to reinfection.

    Your Aunt does carry the virus herself, and will for the rest of her life, but again, she will not shed virus unless she develops Zoster (shingles).  Then she is a risk for transmission if the baby (or anyone else who is not immune) comes in contact with material from the Zoster vessicles.

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