
Chicken Q???

by  |  earlier

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i have 3 roosters and 10 hens

and i was woundering will the eggs they lay always be fertial are will we have some non fertiel eggs becouse i have my chickens to breed and to eat there eggs so im scared that i wont get eny eggs and are we alowed to eat fertal eggs some one plz help.....




  1. Yes you can eat fertile eggs. Eggs should be gathered everyday 2-3 times a day. As soon as they are refrigerated they can no longer grow into a chick.

    You really have too many roosters for the number of hens you have. The rule is 1 roo to 10 hens. The roos will begin to fight and gang up on the hens and the hens will become overbred. Sometimes they even die if they are bred too much.

    Most likely the eggs will always be fertile with that many roos.

    Depending on how old your hens are they should start to lay around 6 months old for the first time.

    Oh- you also do not need a rooster for the hens to produce eggs, they do that all on their own. So you can eliminate the roos completely

  2. some will be and some wont..chickens will lay eggs even w/o the roosters.. so if youre afraid of eating babys seperate them

  3. I'm so sorry, but I'm not really sure what it is you are asking, but I will have a go at it. I'll go at it bit by bit, ok?

    you said, "i have 3 roosters and 10 hens (i relly have 6 roos but im getting rid off 3 and they are only 5 week old so its a loong way off)"

    3 roosters for 10 hens is just fine. Whether they fight or not will depend on what kind they are. I currently have 3 phoenix roos with 3 hens and everyone is getting along

    fine. They get along so well because they grew up together. I wouldn't trust Old English to do this perhaps, and I've had other birds that sometimes just can't deal with it. I leave everyone together until I see a problem, then I remove the underdogs. If you remove the alpha roo, the others will have to duke it out to see who gets to take his place.

    BTW, how the heck are you deciding which of your 6 to keep at only 5 weeks? I would until they are 8 weeks myself, do give them time to develop more. If you are going to breed them, you want to keep the 3 roos with the best bodies (unless at 5 weeks there are 3 that are obviously deformed in some way...?)

    anyway, to continue...

    you said, "i was woundering will the eggs they lay always be fertial are will we have some non fertiel eggs (i know chickens can lay eggs with out roos but i would like to breed them so thats why i have roos)"

    Yes, you will have some fertile and some non-fertile eggs. Of course, at only 5 weeks, you won't have any (*winks* just giving you a hard time).

    you said "im scared that i wont get eny eggs"

    Why? You probably won't get any when they reach 6 months (breeding age) because it will be winter (unless you are in the southern hemisphere? Australia? South Africa? Chile?) If you don't get any then, you will in the Spring

    you said "and are we alowed to eat fertal eggs"

    Yes. No chicks begin to develop until mom starts to sit on them seriously. Now, I haven't the time to collect eggs 2-3 times a day, and it hasn't been a problem. Sometimes I don't collect them for 2-3 days! The eggs I set are just fine, as are the eggs I eat.
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