
Chicken eggs are half done in the time they should hatched in a incubater temp has been good turned everyday?

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Chicken eggs are half done in the time they should hatched in a incubater temp has been good turned everyday?




  1. John has some good points.

    Might I add:

    I assume you know

    Chicken eggs take 21 days.

    Although sometimes 19 early, and 23 late.

    Anything beyond +/- 2 days is not good.

    I'll go 23 or even 24 before I shut off my incubator and discect unhatched eggs.

    Turning 2-3 times a day is very important for the first 10 days, but continue till day 18.

    Eggs can be on their sides or in verticle racks.

    Just make sure they have enough air around them,

    eggs not ontop of each other, to get good O2/CO2 exchange

    Temperature should be 99.5 F in a circulating air model

    102 F in a still air model.

    fluctuations of +/- 1 F is O.K.

    Make sure incubator is inside a house with a near constant temperature. Away from a window and drafts.  

    Garages and storage sheds are not ideal.

    Prolonged periods at 102+ circ/104+ still can heat kill the embryo.

    If the power goes off,

    which has happened to me several times,

    just make sure you do not open the lid,

    want to keep the warmth in.

    Temp will drop about 1 F every 30 min

    Can put a towel over to insulated.

    I accidentally unpluged it for 12 hours during the first week.

    Temp went down to 80 F

    They all hatched O.K., but took till day 22-23.

    If you think about it, this is what happens in nature when the hen leaves her nest periodically to get food and water.

    So many other factors to consider when some or all eggs do not hatch.

    Disease or bacterial contamination.

    But will usually put out a bad smell by day 17.

    Can crack open and get a whiff on eggs that don't hatch by d 24.

    Age of eggs prior to being place in incubator

    2-7 days old are best,

    12-14 days o.k. too if stored properly 55-65 F.

    Genetics of the hen and rooster.

    Sufficient nutrition of the hen/nutrients in the yolk.

    Some fresh air available thru the vents,

    make sure small holes are not covered.

    Too much or not enough humidity

    50-60%RH, 60-70 during the hatch.

    Over 70 during incub is not good, more susceptible to/accelerates contamination.

    Under 40 for multiple days makes the inside of the egg dry out too fast.

    I recommend to hobbies and school teachers

    the Hovabator styro incubator with electronic thermostat, circ. air fan, autoturner, full picture window.  

    It's also quietter than the other models,

    but not silent, which is good so you know its running.

    Does have red power indicator lights though.

    Double R supply in Florida sells them online cheaper than anyone else. About $130.  Shipping is about $15  

    Non-FL residents do not have to pay the sales tax.

    Good luck next time!

  2. Something went wrong in the incubator during the hatch. Usually it is a temperature surge or a time of power outage but it could be a number of things.  I hate to tell you but your eggs are not half done, they are dead.  You can't start again and finish the other half of the incubation.  Take one of your eggs out and crack it open and check for any signs of life.  You will get a strong rotten egg smell.  It is probably better for you to check everything the best that you can and start a new batch of eggs.  The has happened to me before and I found that when the embryo starts developing they create a heat of their own and cause a temperature surge in the incubator if you don't adjust the temperature down to compensate for this.  I would get about 1 out of 10 eggs to hatch and they would be weak chicks and most not make it after they hatched.  Good luck in your hatch.

  3. I think a lot of incubators never work a good as an old clucking hen

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