
Chicken or the egg?

by  |  earlier

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i think the chicken came first.

its like a child being born, the child cant live without the embryo in side a mom

and i like this phrase"an egg cant hatch itself you know"




  1. God

  2. of course the chicken......

  3. let's suppose that God created the chicken ,, then the chicken created the egg, As God created Adam and then from Adam was created Eva.

  4. I vote for the rooster.

    I mean, it takes two, doesn't it?

    :D...dirty answer

  5. God Almighty!

  6. Chickens evolved from egg layers

  7. If you look way back to the very first animal which could be categorized as a "chicken" it came from an egg

    What laid that egg? I don't know, but it wasn't a chicken, because you defined the animal that was hatched as the first chicken; any animal which came before was something else

    No matter how far back in time you go to find the first "chicken" (assumining you're not a creationist) whichever creature you identify as the first "chicken" will have hatched from an egg

    As for the creature that laid the egg, all you need to say is it's a chicken-like animal, but, by your own definition, it's not a chicken

    Aristotle's got my back on this one

  8. Caviar.

  9. egg sandwich

  10. if you believe in genesis, then it's the chicken.  adam wasn't born a baby.  he was created as an adult male...

    but, i like your logic much better - you'll need a chicken to hatch an egg.  :-)

    side note... the only humans without a belly button... hah.  Adam and Eve.
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