
Chicken pox at 2 weeks old

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why do people say there immune my son got it off his sister.I have had it and he was breast fed till he and his sister were both ill i so it should have boosted his immunity i even kept them apart.Do the professionals really know what they are talking about?? He's nearly 9 weeks and fine




  1. My little girl got it at two weeks and it spread through the whole family, my partner (35yrs) and my two sons all got it, i had already had it when I was younger, The doctors told me it was unlikely that my little girl would get it due to the antibodies she had off me when she was growing. however she did, and there is a possibility that she'll get them again when she's older. I only listen to certain bits of advice from the professionals, afterall mum knows best.

  2. My daughter had chicken pox at 11 weeks old! I think its better to get them whilst at a young age. As for not being normal!! babies can catch a cold, so why not chikcen pox.

  3. Babies are NOT immune to Chicken Pox, who on earth told you they were. Poor little mite, it must have heartbreaking for you. Still I have heard that this is the best age to catch it as he's unable to scratch and irritate the leisions and he is now immune from catching it again. Unfortunately medicine is not an exact science and although most healthcare professionals mean well they often talk c**p.

  4. No they don't, not all the time - mum's often instinctly know better! You're a brilliant mum!

    PS If you are who I think you are, big hugs from Japan!! xx

  5. babes have to have chicken pox when their young or else they aren't normal

  6. I never heard if being immune unless u have already had it.

  7. My baby also caught chicken pox off her big sister. I was still breastfeeding and was told my baby would be immune because I'd already had it.  But she wasn't. The health visitor was surprised she caught it. But she's fine now. Oh well, never mind.

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