
Chicken question-age?

by  |  earlier

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how old does a hen have to be to be able to breed with a rooster? We have four hens(pullets) that are almost ready to start laying, but not yet, since they are too young. But in about a week or so, they will probably start laying. Two of the young hens are Red Stars and the other two are Buff Orpingtons. We have two Rhode Island Red rooster and we want to put one of them with the hens, but we are afraid that they will get attacked by him if they are too young. We tried it like a couple weeks ago, but the rooster attacked one and so we haven't put him with them since then. when is the right time to put them together so they can mate? Thanks!




  1. To start with the 2 roos will fight the roos don't fight the hens all they are doing is either showing dominance or trying to mate. If a roo jumps a hen hes trying to do his job.Roos protect the hens from harm, lets them know food is available they do this buy dragging one side of a wing along the ground and side step fast.You may be wise to place 2 hens with each roo males dont fight the females only male to male. I hope all chickens are same age if hens are smaller in age best to waite till at least they are 6 months of age if all are same in age its fine to place roo with hens, but if put both roos in same pen except them to fight I have 2 and they do fight some.But now they avoid one another and do roost in same coop at night.

  2. There are no hard & fast rules , with such practical issues it is part experience & part trial & error .Even if roosters have been together since they were chicks,putting them with hens is a whole new experience for them ,their aim is to mate & reproduce ,niceties come second at such times.

    On an average the best time to introduce hens to roosters is around 6 months of age .help may be needed at any time so to start with  ,you need to be around for a while to observe & do the needful if events get rough .

  3. its impossible to say. you should try introducing them gradually by putting the females in a caged run and put the rooster in another next to the females run. if he still seems as though he is going to attack or is being volatile don't risk it but if you keep them near each other for a while and they seem settled them try it but be careful

  4. Don't forget that chicken s*x is never very romantic at the best of times. I suppose to be on the safe side you could wait until they lay their first eggs since the first few are normally small misshapen sort of practice eggs anyway.

  5. Are you sure that he was attacking them?  I have had chickens most of my life, and I have never witnessed a rooster attack a hen or pullet.  If you haven't seen chickens breed before, you were probably seeing the rooster attempting to breed with the hen.  

    The rooster will peck the hen and bite at her back and neck, possibly even pulling out feathers, to get her to stand still, and then he quite literally jumps on her back.  It really does look like a violent attack!  You should put the rooster back in with the hens and watch him.  If he is breeding with them he will do what I described and within a min or so it'll be over and he'll move on to another hen.  If he is actually attacking the hens, I would considering getting another rooster.  

  6. They really need to live together. They know when they are ready and the rooster will keep attacking them if he does not live in the same enclosure. It is also very helpful to let them free range during the day, they love nothing more than that and then they have more room to get away if they need to. Your rooster needs to be able to establish his flocks pecking order. Is he much older than they are? If so, then they should get bigger before living together. Good Luck to you and LOVE THOSE CHICKENS!!!
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