
Chicken run?

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please can you help.

I had quite alot of chickens and ducks but the fox got in and killed them apart from 6 my next door neighbour has hired a man to shot the foxes with so there cant that many foxes out there now because he has killed around 6 any way .... What do you think is the best way to build a chicken run i thought of getting a poly tunnel and put mesh around it any other ideas ?




  1. Fox's are entitled to a life aswell!

  2. You have a chicken raisers worst nightmare fox, owls, opossum, and skunk!  What ever you do for a run should work fine they can be very fancy or very simple.  To keep out dogs you can bury chicken wire  the dogs try to dig under and hurt their pads and go away.  The best set up we had for ours when the birds were housed in a building with a concrete floor and had a raised run out one side made it nearly impossible for predators.  Fox will tear through the chicken wire (or some have around here along with dogs) We have used chain link fence and T-post then topped it with chicken wire and even the cheap snow fence.  It helps if you can close a door on the chicken building at night.  We have been told that playing a radio in the building at night would keep away some predators but have never tried it ourselves.  Guineas with the chickens or by them will wake the neighborhood if they see a predator coming.  Dogs work only to a point and if you are trying that route need to get it as a young puppy but that won't make the dog chase predators. (ours steals other chickens and brings them home, was recently out numbered by dogs that got into our pen and killed a large turkey, she does however now try to attack certain dogs in the area so we know what dogs were involved now but doesn't bring back the bird)

  3. i once saw hugh feasrnly whittingstalls river cottage and he built a chicken run. It had high metal fencing and the run was elavated. He said that chickens liked to be high up (i don't know why)

    Wish i could be more help

  4. Get a dog that will protect the chickens from those pesky foxes!

  5. Well, the coop isnt secure enuff if they got in. You need to put concrete around the bottom of hte cage that prevents the fox from digging. Or rocks. Put extra chciken wire around the coop to keep raccoons out as well. You should put  the pen off te ground.

    A good one can be what you stated. Make sure its big so they can move abuout
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