
Chickens, turkeys and pheasants?

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my neighbor has 10 chickens 2 turkeys 2 pheasants and 1 quail all in the same cage. do these birds get along well?

i notice the chickens pecking the quail and pheasants all the time...

anyone know if this is a bad mix of birds in the same cage?




  1. No the birds dont get along well. The big fowl will kill the small fowl. Your neighbor  needs to have differnt pens for them. We are buliding three chickenpen duck pen and turkey pen. All bird have a pecking order.

  2. Do you mean area pen or cage cage??

    If in a large pen they will be ok but the poor quail are so small they have to run all the time to keep from being trampled Some turkeys are aggressive and will attack for the food the poor chickens well they pretty much can fend for them selves and find food.A Pheasant I can say much since don't know much about them.

    Now if all these birds are in one cage this is cruel and the people who have need to do better or give these birds up this is not fair to the smallest of them which will be the quail and chickens they need room to move or these birds will have some real bad problems with Legs and wings  they need space to move around. I dont belive its a bad mix but wrong set up for them. I hope they are all babies still.

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