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cool ideas for a house 4 a baby chicken




  1. i had a chicken, it stayed in a big cage, but most of the time i let it rome in the back yard, or run around the house. it only really stayed in the cage at night.

  2. i want a baby chick!!! juss luv them!!! buy a cage (a box cage)

  3. by the time you build it it will be a McNugget.

  4. A box with a lamp over it.

  5. HAHAHA you guys are going to love this idea! I raised a chick from day 2 (box with light over it) when she got older she just ran around the house(inside) I have done this 2x's before and they gradually were broke to being outside. But for some reason (kids) she would not go outside,My son put her with my late favorite rooster(pet)  so now she is living in his drawer on 2 eggs hahaha and they are ready to hatch soon. I am now raising another one and this time I have spoiled her (she got attacked by a mean rooster and has broke leg) so if I so much as leave my room she goes crazy and man is she loud! she follows me everywhere, and at night she will only sleep in a small travel bag with a sheet over her with a fan on her face  in my closet.. Cute huh? Just remember they do become attached to you ,you are now the mommy hehehehe

  6. When it's still small, put it in a bird cage(with a whole bottom, not barred ones), when it gets bigger, build a chicken coup and place it outside, covered with some newspapers, but also with a slight opening.. :]
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