
Chihauhua & weimaraner mixed breed !!??!?????????

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if a chihauhau mates with a weimaraner male dog,what will the puppies look like,and as they grow to adults?? are they big,are they small,anyone have any info,or pics,would greatly be appreciated!!

female being a chih' ..wouldnt they grow to be small dogs???? please respond,need answer soon!




  1. If the female is a chihuahua, she's about as good as dead. Those large weimaraner pups will kill her and probably die in the process.  

  2. You're confused all right. Lions are the only species on earth that can limit the size of the offspring.

    Go and get your Chihuahua fixed IMMEDIATELY. No they won't be cute or small because you are going to do the right thing as an owner and have a spay abort done. Your ***** will die from this and more than likely the pups.  

  3. If the male is a Chi and the female is a Weim then the male is a talented acrobat.

    If the Female is a Chi and the male a Weim then the female will certainly die during a delivery unless C-Sectioned.

    Either way, this is a dumb and rather useless cross, don't you think?  These dogs would have traits of both breeds that are totally incompatible and cause lots of health problems in the long run.

    If you think this has happened, go get a spay/neuter right away.  In fact, do that anyway, it's best for the dogs.

  4. I hope this is a joke. If your female chihuahua is pregnant by a weimaraner, she will die, the puppies or puppy will be way too big for her. Spay/abort immediately.

    Man, I really hope this is a joke....

  5. The Chihuahua could die trying to give birth to those pups.  Who on earth would be dumb enough to even attempt this?


    I hope to God that you did not do this to your dog.

    If you did you are a friggin idiot - and cruel to animals.

    People like you disgust me.

    Why don't you leave the breeding to professional breeders and prevent needless deaths from dogs who are too small to carry large puppies and from puppies that are abandoned.

    Do your dog a favor and get her spayed immediately. That way maybe you can save her from your idiotic self.

  7. i have no idea. but my friends have a rottenweiner.

    its a rottweiler and weiner dog mix. the rott was the female. and the weiner dog was the male. weird huh?

    the dog is small. and really cute. we not always ask the parents hows their rottenweiner. hahaha!!!

  8. I love the look of a weimaraner. They are so cute.

  9. well the dog park i go to has a , lil doxie, and lab mix, small like the doxie, but has a big head like a lab!  you never know what you goina get wean they r mixes!! it would most likely the mom pups to big!

  10. There's no standard for mixes, and there's no way to predict how they'll turn out. You're really just guessing. They could take after mom, take after dad, or be a bit of both.

    No. If the chihuahua has the puppies, they won't necessarily grow to be small dogs. If the female is the chihuahua, she'd most likely die trying to give birth, if the puppies don't die while they're being carried. You'd be lucky if the chihuahua makes it through alright. If anything, she'd need a c-section. That could cost you $3,000+.

    What is the purpose of this mix? If this is not a joke and has actually happened, by allowing the female chihuahua to give birth, you're condemning her to a painfully delivery, and possibly death. The best thing you can do is get her spayed ASAP and neuter your weimaraner. There are enough irresponsible backyard breeders out there. There isn't a need for more. If you cared one bit about your dogs, you'd fix them.

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