
Chihuahua Puppy, biting too much

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  1. My uncle got a pure bred chihuahua from his friend for three hundred dollars.  He had a new born baby, but he didn't think it would be a problem also having a puppy.  Princess (the puppy) used to bite everyone when she was playing.  You couldn't even pet her because she would bite.  He gave her to me because of her bting and he couldn't get her to stop.  I had to work with her for months.  It's true that hitting a chihuahua doesn't work, but since they want to make you happy if you reward your puppy whenever he's calm he might get the hang of it, but as soon as he starts biting tell him no biting (that's the first voice command I ever taught her) yelp (or say ouch in a high pitched voice) but instead of removing yourself from the dog remove the dog from you.  Set him down or in a different area and if he comes to you ignore him until he isn't biting or excited.  As for princess i did punish her for biting me i would push her away sortof roughly and tell her no biting in a loud voice.  She eventually outgrew it and now she doesn't bite at all.

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