
Chihuahua not eating or drinking..?

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my dog is about 14-15 weeks old I have been syring feeding her pedialyte for around 24 hours now she seems to be more alert today than yesterday, there is no bloody vomit or stools.. not sure what to do it sounds terrible but vet wants 250$ to see and medicate her I need some suggestions on how to keep her comfortable. and how much pedialyte i should be giving her.. now 5ml ever 20-30 min she really dont like it so i have to force it. please help my chihuahua get better PLEASE!!!!




  1. I'm sorry, but you need to get the puppy to a vet.  A puppy that small can get dehydrated and low blood sugar really quick, and this life threatening.  Spending $250 now can prevent making a choice between spending $1000 or more later or putting the puppy to sleep.

  2. She sounds sick. What kind of food are you feeding her?  Did she recently have her vaccines? Sometimes they can have a reaction to them. Hard to say. You can also syringe plain water to keep her hydrated. But she really needs a vet.  

  3. try some sugar water too  

  4. Sorry to sound harsh, but if you can't afford the vet you shouldn't have the dog.

    A puppy that has stopped eating and drinking is in serious trouble and needs to see a vet!!! Only a vet can help your puppy get better.

  5. Hmm she seems sick....I think she might have worms. Almost all puppies are born with round worms. Take a stool sample to your vet. Also im pretty sure shes drinking... even though its behind you back. I think so because most dogs even when they are sick do drink water. She might not be eating because one, she might simply not be hungry or as i said has worms. Two, is it possible that someone has been feeding her human food? The same thing happend to me. I had to go on vacation with my mom and dad and i took my chi to my friends because she said that she would take care of it. I gave her everything she needed; food, brush, leash. When i came back...I took my chihuahua home and it would not eat. I phoned my friend and she said that her brother had been feeding the dog people food. The dog got like the food and quickly prefered it over her dog food. It took almost a month to get her back on dog food.

    Well im not sure what happend to the dog but $250 is way to much for medicine. I dont remember ANY medication that wwe bought costed half that much.

  6. First start with the food change it to Blue(adult and puppy) Note: Blue is so healthy people can eat it like normal food but it tastes like dog food. Second if he's not eating then hand feed him and if he doesn't wanna eat then pretend like your eating the food so he gets jealous and if he's not drinking tire him up play with him for a while so he gets thirsty. good luck


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