
Child's first day of school...?

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last year was preschool, had some problems, never could figure out why, his teacher was great, but he got to where I was dragging him, I feel so bad, today was the first day of kindergarten, Had to drag him out to the bus, he cried the whole time, I am trying to make it easy on him, but how to I make him comfortable about going to school? He says he hates school and his teacher and school are stupid, and i have tried to sound so excited about school..HELP please.




  1. Find out what's really wrong. Maybe your child is being bullied and is too embarrassed to admit it... maybe the work is too hard for him. Could he have a learning disability that needs to be addressed? Talk to his teachers. Sit in on or volunteer in his class and see what's really going on with him, his lessons, his peers. Don't just wait and hope it works out! It sounds like he's had a set schedule for at least a year, so that's not the problem

  2. I'll admit that when I was little I hated school. I cried every day that I didn't want to go. It was mostly because I wanted to stay home with my mom. I was not a very social child, always kept to myself. Your son is probably scared. Once he gets into a set schedule (he's probably used to summer and not having to get up early for school) I'm sure that he will learn to like school. Also, once he starts making friends it will help the situation.

  3. There is the definite question of "why?"  That's the source.  Maybe sit down and ask him why he hates it so much.  My girls look forward to something I pack for them in their lunch.

    Is there something special he can play with only on the bus?  Or a special snack he can look forward to in school?  Something that can get him through the day.  Can he read small words?  Maybe write little notes just telling him you love him.

    My daughter acted like she didn't like the notes, but I know she looked forward to it, and I would vary different sayings on it, I knew she could read.

    You'll probably want a parent/teacher conference if all else fails.

    Good luck, you're doing great!

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