
Child Actor Resume Example!?!?

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Hi, I am a young actor and I have a very important theater audition coming up early next week. My problem is, I'm not sure how to write my resume. I've searched everywhere on the correct formant for how to present it, but each site differs from the other. I've never done anything professional, just school and community theater. Is that okay to put on my resume? Or, if it's not professional it just isn't included? Someone PLEASE help; this is very important to me!




  1. You can put school plays IF you don't have a lot of other experience however you do not list the school as the venue.  You list the name of the auditorium or theatre in which you performed :-)  Community theatre is fine to list of course.  

    The format for theatre only differs from others in that you list the theatre section first as opposed to film first then tv which is what you do whan you're going out on film and tv auditions.  Name should be big, bold and easy to read.  No fancy writing.  Unions affiliations go right under your name. The physical stats (hair & eye color, height & weight) should be listed either center or top right, just depends what set up you're using.  Contact info.  Then your experience sections.  Then your training.  Then your special skills.

    Following any of the online examples you find should be fine.  if you have an agent you follow the agency's set up.  As long as it looks put together it's ok.

    good luck,


  2. Put everything you have ever done in theatre -- school or whatever. You are young -- they understand you may not have had the opportunity to do professional production.

    Ryan Smith


    Height: 64 inches

    Weight: 125 lbs.

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Brown

    Clothing Size: mens small; 30x30 pants

    Shoe Size: mens 8


    Acting Age Range: 12-17

    Willie Wonka (Adult Cast)   Mike Teavee   Baker School

    A Christmas Carol ('06-'07) Tiny Tim New Haven Community Theater

    Really Rosie Chicken Soup Baker School

    The Jungle Book Junior New Haven Community Theater

    Evita Children's Choir New Haven Community Theater

    Seussology A Who Baker Middle School

    Special talents: singing (alto2/tenor 1 range); hip hop dancing (took street dance lessons at Marshall Studio in New Haven)

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