
Child Adoption in north carolina?

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For certain circumstances...My wife and i are thinking that a option for us being able to have a family is adoption...We are a young couple in Charlotte, NC would like to hopefully get an idea of the steps required. Adotpion age Baby to infant.





    I asked a similar question & was given lots of links that are very helpful. You may try those for starters.

  2. read primal wound first.

    adoption is supposed to be about the child, not what you want/need.

    plan to spend about $50,000 for a white infant.  and plan to wait.  the list is long to buy a healthy white infant.

  3. Go to China

  4. Hey dude i live in raleigh. as an adoptee i thought i should at least let you know that if you adopt here in NC and your child gets older and wants his records IT TAKES AN ACT OF CONGRESS. if you want to adopt i think it would be better to adopt a child with a little bit of age and some understanding of who they are.

    I know how this sounds and i'm not trying to hang the kids that need homes out to dry. and you would still be adopting in NC if you adopted say a teen or an otherd child like 8 r 9 year  old that kind of has a grasp on "i am going into a  better situation. "

    Infants that are adopted here could grow up and even if you wanted to help them wouldn't be able to get any information about their birth family. Another thing you could try would be an open adoption. cause then the parents pick you and you can talk to them and find out all the information for your child later.

    I'm not trying to dicourage you from adopting in NC but if you want the best for the child you adopt getting as much information from the nmother is the best way to go here. if you wait to late your child may never get anything and it could effect them. almost everyone wants to know where they came from. It would just be a nice thing if you made sure you had at least something to give them.

    I was adopted in kansas  but living here has givin me a great appreciation for not being adopted here.

  5. Hi -

    The first thing you need to decide is whether or not you want to use an agency or do a private adoption.  That will define the type of homestudy that will be done.  If you go private you will need to have an attorney.  The poster who said that a caucasian child adoption is necessarily $50,000 is wrong.  If you do private you can manage the costs much better but you will have to be up for all the networking on your own.  

    Good luck to you.

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