
Child Behavior Modification System?

by  |  earlier

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Some time ago when I wasn't paying too much attention on my way to/from work I heard on the radio (in one ear and out the other, you know) some guy (I think his name was "Neil.....somebody") talk about a child behavior modification system that "guarantees your child will listen to you again, not talk back, etc."

I'd appreciate the name of the guy and/or the name of his system.




  1. Hi there.  Are you referring to the Total Transformation where they talk about turning their attitude around in one minute or less?  That's the one I usually hear on the radio.  Here is the website for this program:

    Hope this helps!

  2. I was wondering about that too. I hear about it on AM radio all the time but never really listened. Im going to ck out the website.

  3. I remember the commercial... but not the name either.

  4. So would I. Hopefully someone out there will remember it.

  5. in one minute? good luck moms!  That sounds like c**p to me.. sorry to be negative but come on... what are they doing.. hypnotizing these kids?

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