
Child Day Care Grand Opening Open House Activity Ideas?

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I'm opening a large Child Care Learning Center in 3 weeks. I'm starting to plan for my open house that I am having 2 days before we open. Does anyone have any ideas for games, activities, drawings, etc? Any advice is always appreciated.






  1. Make some take-aways; things people can take with them, e.g; playdoh with the recipe; coloring pages; samples of art collage materials; a video of children engaged in different areas of play; copies of children's songs; sell raffle tickets for a basket of goodies; have a table display of information that people can read; if you can afford it, hire someone to dress as Bob the Builder, Dora, etc. Have a magician entertain the children. Incorporate a children's corner with toys and coloring books. Good luck and much success!

  2. By drawings if you mean the families can our events we always put togethor a themed basket (could be movie night with a movie and poppedcorn or paint) and sell the tickets for $1 (money goes to supplies) also you could do a drawing for a free day or a free week or free reg.

  3. Music, Movement, Fingerplays, Dance, and Storytime. I hope that I helped you out.

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