
Child Poverty? What are 3 major contributors to the high percentage of children living in poverty?

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I'm writing a very short paper on this. I'm not asking for anyone to do it for me. I don't even need details. I'm just very tired, and I want to make sure that I hit the most important factors. Thanks!




  1. Here are some factors:

    Abandonment by a parent, usually the father, which leaves the mother to try to support the children by herself


    Job loss

    Lack of education on the part of the parents

    Drug or alcohol use

    Parents getting themselves heavily in debt through credit cards, home mortgages, and student loans

    Living in an area of the country with few or no job opportunities

    Bad investment choices by the parents which cause them to lose a great deal of money

  2. Number one poor education both formal and social.

    Poor economic conditions into which they are born.

    Poor medical assistance.

    Children living in poverty have little or no incentive to improve conditions for themselve or those who will be thier children.

    It is not about what they want, everyone wants to improve they do not possess the means by which improvement can be had.  In this country a very small percentage do change and improve their and subsequent generations conditions.

    We have so many in this land of opportunity who are stuck in the lower socioeconomic life because they lack the means to direct their lives elsewhere.

  3. fatherlessness

    lack of moms education

  4. Lack of  education by parents to keep a  regular good job  with advancement,, Too young to be  starting  family,   poor financial  mamagement,,  Singel parent, usually  the  Mom trying to make it with no  or little child  support,  rising  day care , groceries, fuel, utilties, over their  means.

  5. Abstinence only education programs...

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