
Child Question.?

by  |  earlier

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What if you have a newborn son and you think about what if he is cute and you like him when he gets older.You're not saying that you do but you're thinking about the what ifs.I was just thinking about the what ifs.I'm talking about the fuure.Is this normal to think that you would do this in the future?Am I just over reacting because I don't want him sexually or physically.If you were my husband would ou diorce me or be mad at me???????




  1. Dude get into therapy real quick.....don't over think it...just get some help....please.

  2. you need professional help!

  3. u seriously have a sick mind and NO thats not normal!

  4. No, it is not normal to look at your newborn son and fantasize about having a romantic relationship with him when he is older.

    You should talk to your doctor, and tell him what you said in this question.  This could be an indication that you are having a severe hormonal imbalance.  You might need medication until your hormones settle back down.   It is fairly common for women to have some hormonal imbalance after giving birth, and this could be a symptom.

    If I was your husband, I would go with you to the doctor and be supportive, and make sure you were getting good medical care so that you could fully recover from the physical effects of your pregnancy and birth, because it sounds like you may have some postpartum depression or another issue.

  5. please don't have children.

  6. Troll. Thanks for the points :)

  7. What the h**l, woman?

    Most parents will NEVER feel a romantic/sexual reaction to their children. It's just against nature.

    Same way sisters with hot brothers will not feel attracted to them.

    If you are seriously thinking about this, that's pretty trippy. Lol.

    <3 harlie

  8. NO that is absolutely NOT normal. Not in any way or any sense. You need some professional help to even wander. And i wouldnt be suprised if your husband did divorce you and seek full custody over a question like this.

  9. Um, personally, i would divorce you. i would not want the mother of my child feeling that way. And you should've kept that thought to yourself :|

  10. WTF.
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