
Child Support ?? PLEASE HELP...?

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The father of my child does not want to pay child support and i signed a paper that said i did not want CS enforced but he still owes my son is not on any government assistance. How do i get him off of CS?




  1. Good question- If you are your son are not on governmnet assistance then all you have to to is go down to your local  family court house and drop the order. even if he owes you child support. If you don't want it then you don't want it.

    However, if you were using any type of governtment money such as food stamp stamp or cash assistance at the time you were recieving child support and he is behind or owes. Then yes the government will want their money for supporting his child. Once he pays his balance you can drop the case.

    Hope this helps

  2. I honestly do not think you can waive anything unless the child is 18 or being adoptive.  He needs to help you support your child.  Maybe to help him you can have the amount reduced?  You should have a case worker in your state that is enforcing this issue - try calling them and they can help you to the best of their ability.  

  3. You can not sign away your child's right for support , even if you did sign he's that child's father and responsible for the care of your child until he grown, 23 and out of college , they will make him pay , so it does not matter what you think you did , cause not everything signed is legal , and do not let that b*****d get away free and clear your child needs everything they can get , he enjoyed making it , now make him enjoy taking care of it , smiling or raging mad , fight till your shoes fly of and you can't walk know more Fuc him do'nt take your child off.

  4. Why would you not want the father to take responsibility for his child?

    Aside from that, all you have to do is call the child support enforcement agency and request that your case be closed.  I think most states require the absent parent to pay support regardless of whether you want the money or not.  You can put the money in a savings account or trust fund for your child if you don't want to use it.

    I don't know your situation, and I'm not judging you but I hope you change your mind - it's not fair for you to bear the cost of raising the child alone.  It takes 2 to make them, it should take 2 to raise them.  Good luck to you.

  5. I am not sure I totally understand your question but I think this may help.  What you and the father have to understand is that child support is owed to the child, not to you.  The state wants to make sure that parents take care of their children, period.  I don't know what state you are in but it is not a good idea to waive something you may end up really needing in the future.  What if the child, God forbid, gets sick?  What about school expenses, or uniforms or braces?  I don't understand why you want him off in the first place but depending on where you live, you may not be able to get him off anyway.  

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