
Child abuse, should I call or not?

by  |  earlier

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Some guy with his family just came into my work and was joking about beating his kids, and he asked everyone in the store if it was okay if he beat his kids in the store. When I kind of just looked at him shocked, he was like 'I was just kidding'. Then he proceeded to make other jokes about violence towards his family. I have his name, but I don't know if it's serious enough to call child protection about.




  1. You should just in case.

  2. dont stick your nose into peoples business unless you have sound proof you could be calling unwanted attention to yourself or them. im sorry thats probably not the answer your looking for but its the truth.DONT TREAD ON OTHERS WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT

  3. yeah,non-emergency should be ok. look,even if he doesnt beat his kids,talking like that in their presence should and could be considered mental abuse.the guys a jerk,and will get whats coming to him sooner than later.

  4. yah it is. just call but don't say your name and say you are not sure if it really is happening but calling just in case. HEP THOSE KIDS AND CALL!

  5. keep an eye on him then if he keeps saying that then call non emergency then have them record it

  6. Make sure that your reason is serious. Not if your dad shouted at you because you got a low mark or if you broke something and your mum got angry. They got angry because they cared for you. If you failed a test because you didn't want to pass, they have the right to be angry (their planning for your future) If they take it too far, call e.g. if they start chucking random sharp objects at you for your mistake. Call if some they got angry at you for being in existence. Call if they hit you for no good reason and call if you are being mistreated e.g. made to do something really dangerous or something that you really don't want to do (Homework not included).

  7. mind your own ******* business.

  8. uh yeh definitely

  9. call non-emergency. and just tell them what you posted and tell them that you don't know if you should have called. they will know what to do.

  10. Being a teacher, I have had to call child protective services several times and I don't think they would do anything about someone "saying" they beat their children or family members. I think you are being totally ridiculous.

    Unfortunately, they don't even do anything about abuse unless you can give details like, I saw bruising, bite marks, cigarette burns etc.

    I even called 3 times on my grandson's mother, she is a meth addict and nothing ever happened. I called once and told them about how she was taking him into a hotel room with her and men. Nothing was done.

    I think it is good that you are caring and watching out for children, but you can't assume something just from what someone says.

    I have kidded around like that many times.

  11. Sounds like hes one of those people that "think" they are saying something funny but really arent. I really doubt true child abusers ask permission in public to beat people..

  12. I think you should report him. There is nothing funny about child abuse. Weather he is serious or not it's better to be safe than sorry.

  13. You should call because it is not funny to joke about that especially the way it seems he was doing it.  Like if he said it once, that'd be a joke...but telling everyone in the store is just asking for someone to call.  Even if he doesn't beat his kids, maybe he needs counceling.  Either way, you should give them an anonymous call with his name and give all the details.  Also say that you do not know how serious he was....who knows though...perhaps once of your customers already called...

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