
Child abuse, why don't they like when people know

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why do kids not like when people know their parents hit them?

like are they scared that if their parents find out they told someone they would hit them harder? what do you think?




  1. That's what I think...because the parents already blame their kids for everything (that's why they hit them) so if people found out they would completely blame their children!  

  2. Some kids are too scared to say anything because if they do and no one takes them seriously- they could get beat a lot worse. Some kids don't tell out of fear of not knowing where they will end up. Some kids dont tell out of fear of being seperated from their siblings, family, friends, even pets. Some kids are scared that no one will believe them.

    Some kids are just scared to speak out.

  3. i think they are scared they would hit them harder but i also think they dont want 2 b taken away from there parents

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