
Child abuse question

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i called cps and they would do anything cuz there are no bruises or injury. so what am i suppose to do? this is what happened. my daughter didnt want her pullup on. which wasn't a big deal to me. so her aunt forced her to the ground and my daughter was kicking her legs at her. so her aunt picked her up and took her to another room and i heard 2 slaps and my daughter was screaming and she ran to the room where i was at and my husband too. she layed on her belly and her aunt told my other daughter to slap her butt she said why? and as i said no you don't hit. her grandma slapped her butt. and her aunt said if you pee on the floor i will make you scrub it clean with a toothbrush. WHAT CAN I DO?????????? that home is not stable for her. help please.




  1. if it is your daughter its not cps but a problem for the police, you have to press charges on the aunt you have to protect the child, cps protects the child from the parents or guardians.

  2. Get her out of there! Early childhood abuse can lead to multiple psychotic problems later in her life! She is only a baby who does not know the notion of toilet, etc. SO GET HER OUT OF THERE. Tell your relatives that you don't want them physically abusing your child and inform them that you will take actions if this continues. I wonder why you live with these people when you obviously have a family.  

  3. omg. tell her to stop hitting her and call cps and tell them the whole story. this is a child that is being hit if they wont take her away then you have to do something yourself.

  4. Honey, is there no way for you to take your daughter and live somewhere else? This is abuse, how dare they do what they did to her? She is your daughter and they are interfering. You are right, this is not a stable or safe environment and you have to find a way to get out. Call social services and ask them for help, any help until you get their attention.

  5. mommy of 3 and you don't know how to handle a family?

    Don't leave her alone with the aunt

    tell the aunt not to touch your kids again or else!

    Be the mother, not the wimp

  6. it really depends, if the child has no bruises or scratches then there is nothing that cps can do...i wonder does the child live with you and if she does why didn't you defend her? Just make sure that you take control over your child because she is yours and don't let any one else try to discipline your child without your consent

  7. Wow you can't even call yourself a good mother. How could you say your daughter didn't want her pull-up on so, you allowed her not to put it on. You are the mother she is the child, she doesn't get her way, you put up boundaries now, because later you will get nothing but a child who will cry and throw a fit every time you want her to do something and she doesn't want to do it. These type of children are the ones who will have authority problems as they get older. Sure beating your kids with objects is little extreme, but plaining hitting once or twice, and explaining to them why they are in trouble will get the message through. Don't get me wrong all kids don't need to be hit and you can talk to them and they will listen. Some need to  be hit once or twice in there life for them to realize they have boundaries, and others need constant small lessons until they realize it. Stop thinking because someone hits a child its abuse.

  8. It's your kid, you don't have to let the aunt or grandma see her.  I'm not sure that spanking woudl be considered child abuse though.  Did it leave a mark?

  9. Whose house is this? If its your aunt's house then you should keep the pull up on your child. And you should have left as soon as she disiplined your child.

    If its your house kick anyone who hits your child out of the house and don't let them back in.  

  10. Why do you have your child in the Aunt's home? Get out of there. Call the cops again and call child protective services. Keep calling everyone till they help you.  

  11. According to CPS- spanking is not considered abuse unless it leaves a mark. However- this is YOUR child. You, as her parent, can call the police, report it, and choose whether or not to press charges. I wouldn't bring the kids back around them unless they agree to your terms on how you want your daughters disciplined.
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