
Child beauty thoughts?

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ok so i will probably get a lot of stick for this but what is so wrong about that?! genuinely i dont get it. obviously if the kid hates it and only the mum wants them to do it then its wrong but if the kid loves doing it and really enjoys it whats the problem? all little girl love wearing pretty dresses and getting their hair done and wearing makeup. i do agree that the fake tan, whitened teeth, dyed hair and fake nails is too much but if the kid only looks lke that for beauty a few times a year and not all the time i dont get the problem. tbh its not a lot diff to kid actors..they spend hours in hair and makeup too!!

i was watching one programme about it and this kid was lke 4 and had seen a programme on it and really fell in love and for months bugged her mum to let her do it, this kid had so much ambition and she clearly really wanted to do it, before this kid saw this programme her mum had never mentioned it

whats the big deal!?




  1. i dont think i would ever force my child into doing a beauty pagnet alot of the moms just want to show of there kids, but i mean i woudl want to show of my kid but not with tons of makeup on.

    but if my kid really wanted to do it, sure why not, but i deffinately wouldnt put tons of pressure on her, i would tell her that if she loses she still my winner.

  2. Jon Bannet ramsey.

  3. It teaches little girls that looks are everything.  Those pageants are really just a legal loophole for kiddie p**n.  Loads of makeup, hair done up like prom queens, and even bathing suit contests for girls under the age of 5 - it's disgusting!  Get them some play makeup and a trunk of costumes to use at home instead of parading them around like show dogs.

  4. heres a good link to learn all about it....

  5. It teaches young girls that they are not good enough just looking like they do naturally, and that looks are what really matter. If they aren't pretty (and fake) enough they will not be liked, or accepted.

    That is not a message I want my daughter to receive.

  6. 1.  Why does a pageant for six year olds need a swimsuit segment?

    2.  There's no reason in the world why little girls need makeup, hair, fake teeth and tans, etc.  Little girls need to realize that they're still beautiful even if they have messy hair and missing teeth.  More so, in my opinion.

    3. If they don't win, there's not a whole lot they can do to change it next time.  It's not like they can practice being pretty, and just get better at it.  That's not exactly good for the self-esteem.

    4.  It just puts way too much emphasis on physical appearance.  Of all the things to be proud of yourself for, why focus on something that is out of your control?  Why not teach these little girls that if they use their brain, they can be successful as well?

    I have a little girl who loves to dress up and be "pretty".  But she knows that once she takes it all off, she's still beautiful and we still love her.  And she doesn't see herself as "more" or "less" pretty than the next kid - as far as she's concerned, they're all pretty.

  7. First of all, I'm sure child beauty pageants biggest fans are pedophiles.  Second biggest fans?  Fat and/or ugly mothers who want to live vicariously through their pretty kids.

    That out of the way, it also isn't teaching the kids a very good lesson.  They will grow up to think that looks are everything, and that's never a good thing.

  8. You should visit a child beauty pageant down south! it is not all dressing up and looking cute. No.. No...

    These little girls are forced to wore caps on their teeth if they haven't grown in fully and so many hair extensions that their heads hurt all night afterward.

    The best part!! (insert sarcasm) is that the parents try to SABOTAGE other child. They try to ruin their dresses- threaten the mom's if their kid doesn't win. They make *booing* sounds when kids other their own are on stage. They take this stuff so seriously! It's kinda scary.

    My kids love to dress up and put on makeup and give me fashion shows. And that's fine. They don't go out in public looking like hoochies.

    Mine wanted to do pageants and I had to pass. I have been to them- seen them- been backstage and it's not pretty!

  9. If the child wants to do it and is in total control, i guess it is ok, but it is still putting your body out there in front of others, which i don't agree with, it is only raising the kids to soon enough dress to impress to much, so that they are barely wearing anything, or only concerned about looks, etc.  But there are many parents who do it for the money, and the kids don't get a dime!!!! this here is wrong, the parents are forcing the child to earn the families income through beauty pageants, and the child often hates it.  This is child abuse.  If the child wants to do it, then fine it's the parents choice to allow them to follow through with certain dreams, if the parent wants the child to do it but the child does not, this is where it crosses the line.  No child should be forced into something such as this.  My father always told me growing up how most of the kids were forced into doing the pageants and he said it was child abuse and it wasn't fair to the kids, b/c i would occasionally watch it for a few minutes here and there is i was flipping through the channels.  So I say if the kid wants to try it-let em go for it, but no forcing them into it.

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